Fall smells are my favorite smells.. yum! |
Did you know that it's officially fall? Did you know that it's officially October? What! Where the heck to September go? Where the heck did my summer go?
I'll go mourn the shorter days and my fading tan by sipping a PSL in my yoga pants. Don't judge.
As much as I'm sad about the sunshine leaving.. I'm SO beyond excited to wear boots again, and scarves, and watch Hocus Pocus on repeat. Amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck... uhhhh!
Come, little children..
Ok I'm done.
And with that.. I give you my fall baking skills. For the record, that is not how I meant for them to turn out. I literally spent a good hour sculpting those mother truckin' candy corn cookies to look exactly like the ones on the box. What I didn't account for was the fact that they blew up to 5x their size and looked like lava like turds. Not cool, Betty Crocker, Not cool.
At least they still tasted bomb!
This is me driving around on Sunday.. or was it Saturday? Good lord.. all my days are blending into one. Anywhoo.. sometimes I try to be daring and not use my GPS. OR sometimes said GPS decides to crap-out on me and I'm forced to drive around aimlessly until I recognize certain streets. Need I remind you I suck at directions?
Insert happy painting here ^^^ Sometimes I get these wild hairs and I decide to paint. I LOVE painting and it's so relaxing. I need to do it more often!
Insert shameless selfie... I loved my little outfit today. Sometimes I put together a killer outfit and some days it just annoys the heck out of me all day long. Today was comfy and cute. I was pleased.
My lights!! They came!! The guy in the office at my apartment building immediately goes to the back to grab my packages (whoa.. that came out much worse than I intended!) Hey.. Get your mind out of the gutter. Yah.. YOU!
Okay... What I meant was.. The guy that sits at the front desk at my apartment - he always knows that I order lots of things on the internets (No I don't really call it that.. that was a joke). Sheesh.
... He goes and gets my packages for me without me even asking. I know I know. I have a problem.
But my lights! Look how pretty! For my YouTube channel. I can't wait to use them!
Okay that's all for Wednesday. I hope your week is just fabulous. Cheers to hump day and almost fri-day.
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