Thank God for Google and a Screwdriver

Let me just paint a picture of perfection for you…

The washers and dryers in my apartment complex are the devil. I’m not even kidding.

You can put something in and hit cold water, and it comes out the size of American Girl Doll Clothing.. Kirsten style. She was always my favorite.

Anyways that’s just the start of it. If clothes can shrink on delicate in the washer.. even after surviving freshman year in the dorm's washers and dryers -- then there is something massively wrong with the world.

Don’t even get me started on the dryers that are so hot, your sheets come out smelling like singed hair and wet dog. No, I’m not joking. I only wish that I was.

So needless to say, I have to use my bathtub to do a lot of my delicate laundry, and this turns into quite the feat when you have as many clothes as I do.

Anyways.. As I’m soaking my sweaters, I realize that the water keeps looking a little low. I shrug it off and go about doing my other chores around my apartment. I go back into the bathroom and all the water has drained out of the tub without my knowledge. I fill it back up, and do another small load. Again it empties. Ughhh fine I’ll just put some Saran wrap over the drain, that’ll do the trick. It held for a little, but continued to drain. 

What the bleep is wrong with you - devil bathtub?

Being an engineer's daughter, I must find out what is causing this problem. I get out my screwdriver and unscrew the drain-trapper-thingy. Oh for the love of.. EWWW.. hair and conditioner that’s aged for centuries and turned into putrid slime covers the screw. Bleck. Bleck. Bleck.

I wash it all off and pour some Drano down the drain for good measure..

Then comes the googling. “Why is my tub draining even when it shouldn’t be??”

Ahh haw! It must be the linkages inside the wall.. so now I have to unscrew the other part of the bathtub. Okay I can do that... I now sound like a plumber. Thank you Google. 

So I get my screwdriver ready, and begin to lean under my clothes that are hang-drying, and dripping water.. when I say DRIPPING water, I mean giant globules of H2O. Not miniscule raindrops. Fricken monsoon.

Hmm.. Good thing I live in Oregon. I go and get my rain jacket and put it on. Kneeling down in the tub, with my rain jacket on, my hood up, and screwdriver in hand, I realize at this very moment that there is a reason I am single.

I’m just so damn handy, I don’t need no man. All kidding aside, I retreat to unscrewing the lever like it’s my job.

I pry the plate off, pull the linkages up, and the weight is still attached. Great. Nothing is wrong. Why the bleep did I take this apart in the first place? 

Maybe because a nice long bubble bath would be nice every once in awhile you know?

But let me tell you… the metal was brown and blue and the smell coming from the depths below was straight up putrid, my friend.

Nothing was wrong. Nothing. So now I have to screw the stupid thing back on and wash my hands of conditioner slime and old disgusting hair that's probably not even mine. I shiver to think.

There really is no moral to this story. Nothing learned - except that I have too much time on my hands and maybe a little ADD.

At least it’s perfect training for when I own my own home some day.. maybe.


Hope your weekend was better than mine.

I have another horrible date update in the works. Not as bad as the first date I shared, but just as awkward.

x o x o


20 Things I love about Fall

Can I just say that I have a slight obsession with fall? I kind of forget how much I love it until I'm knee deep in pumpkin spice and don't know what day it is anymore.

Fall candles, chunky scarves, and killer boots are just the beginning of my obsession.

Here's my list of fall favorites:

1. Crunchy Leaves
2. Hocus Pocus & Practical Magic on repeat all fall
3. Pumpkin/ Fall smelling candles
4. Chunky Scarves
5. Boots!
6. Perfect weather to run in
7. Coffee and warm drinks in general are the shiz
8. Pumpkin Patches
9. Pumpkin Seeds
10. Pumpkins.. and glitter. What a great combo
11. Orange and red and autumn colors in general
12. Not feeling lame staying in, drinking tea, and watching Halloweentown.. Sorry not sorry.
13. Listening to Thriller... and then deciding to watch 13 Going on 30 because that movie is so great!
14. Googling sexy Disney Costumes.. Again, #noshame #yolo
15. Deciding that sexy is a really stupid word.. Eeeeesh
16. Monster Mash... Don't lie. You just starting humming along to that song.. It's okay. Me too. 
17. Deciding soggy leaves on the sidewalk are nast.. Like real nast.
18. Mmm.. Soup! Soup is so dang good
19. Good Books & Fireplaces to read by
20. Perfect Blogging weather

Did I mention I also really love putting together killer fall outfits? Whoa.. that was a weird segue. Don't mind my ADD. Fall does that to me.

Anyways.. My friends and I went to the Pumpkin Patch on Saturday and it was quite humorous. I grew up in the country so it's always funny seeing loads of people trekking out into the middle of nowhere to experience the open spaces and the simple peacefulness that it brings. 

The humor comes in the fact that all of my friends unknowingly wore flannel.. without planning it, we all were decked out in plaid and looking very fall-esque. 

We get to the pumpkin patch and my friends and I are wandering around looking for our soul-mate pumpkins. Yup, I made that up. Isn't it true though? You wait for the perfect Punkin to call out your name -- "Paige, Pick meeee!" -- The ones that really call out to us.. Don't lie. You do it too. 

Meanwhile, one of my friends picks up her pumpkin and begins to say, "I just took a selfie with my Pumpkin you guys!" Hahaa we all bust up laughing. Thanks Snap-Chat and technology for taking pumpkin patches to the next level.

These crazy looking pumpkins have little muffin-tops. They made me giggle. 

Meanwhile, my friends are collecting mini-pumpkins like it's the last day of Nordstrom's Anniversary sale. Just one more. Just one more. Their boyfriends just roll their eyes, nod and smile obediently. 

After the patch.. Doesn't that sound so bad-ass? Meet me at the patch!      .. No? Okay.. Cool.

After that little adventure.. we had dinner and drinks at McMens (McMennamins for all those unfamiliar). The food was delish as always. I had their cajun tots (to die for.. literally) and a caesar salad. SO good. 

We all talked about our favorite Halloween movies and joked about how they show Harry Potter during Halloween and During Christmas time too.. all because of one snowy scene. Happy Christmas, Arry! 

anddddd SEGUE. 

Also.. My Mom came to visit on Sunday. So naturally we end up at Target. 

And sometimes things get real weird. It's okay. I know this beard compliments my outfit. You don't have to tell me.

Also, because I couldn't get enough of Pumpkin Patches obviously... I told you I'm straight up OBSESSED. I dragged my mom, willingly I might add, to Roloff Farms because it's close enough we just had to go. 

Anywho.. As we were leaving, Matt Roloff whizzes by us on his little golf cart/ gator thingy and he asks us if we are finding parking okay. He talked to us! My Mom like fan-girled for a second, smiled real big and said "YAH we're good! Thanks!!" 

It was actually pretty awesome.. My Dad and I are slightly in love with the show Little People Big World. I immediately shoot my Dad a text with this image and he texts me back "Get his autograph!!" oops.. sorry Dad. A little too late. 

Needless to say, their property is gorgeous, and I fell in love with the barn that Matt Roloff's older son got married in.

Okay.. I suppose that's enough fall obsession for one day.

Let me know in the comments below your Fall Favorites!


Weddings & Memories

My friend Morgan got married this weekend. Her dress was GORGEOUS and she looked so classy and elegant. We were in the same sorority together (Shout out to Kappa Delta). She married her high school sweetheart and I couldn't be happier for her. 

The table decorations were simple, and the industrial building was extraordinary. The bay windows lead way to the Portland city skyline, and I found myself gazing out the windows at a few of the famous PDX bridges while the world spun on, cars drove fast, and the sunset revealed the prettiest cotton candy pinks and purples I've ever laid eyes on. Needless to say, it really put things into perspective for me. Weddings and get togethers with friends have a funny way and making you re-examine your life.

{{Taking secret selfies so you can remember this moment later on.. and because whoever invented SnapChat was a super genius and I wish I had thought of it myself.}}

{{I didn't want to take my hair out after that night. It turned out so perfect. I loved it! Tutorial on my YouTube channel if you're interested }}

It's funny to me that just a year ago - I was learning (and fumbling) my way through the real world with my first real job, freshly out of college, going through a disastrous break-up, and thinking that my life was complete crap. There's few times in life when I look back and I think about everything that's ever happened to me. Do you have moments like that? It's so emotionally draining, and I don't suggest dragging up every helpless memory that you can think of, but I do it more often than I should.

Anyways.. last year really truly was one of my "Rock Bottoms" in life. I would say I've hit rock bottom twice, maybe three times in my life but that was definitely one of them.

I look at my life in perspective now, and I am so much happier, and so much healthier than I was a year ago. 

It's still difficult every day, but I know that it's better than where I was a year ago... and for that - I am so thankful.

My job might not be my dream dream job, but hopefully, it will help me get to where I want to be some day.

Just look back to who you were a year ago and compare that to who you are today.. I can almost guarantee that you are not the same person you used to be, and with that -- I leave you with the strength to carry on and do the things you always dreamed of doing - because life is a gift and you never know what kind of a person you will be a year from now. Do something today that future you would be proud of and smile about.


Runners High

You know what's completely absurd? When I was in college.. well up until my senior year -  I HATED running. Completely despised it. The thought of running on a treadmill or even outside scared me and bored me. I wouldn't even step foot on a treadmill because I knew I would be that girl that started running too fast and wouldn't be able to stop and the machine would fling me across the room.. Is that just me?! I don't think I actually ever saw that happen in my four years of college.. or even to this day - and I still don't know where that silly idea came from. 

In high school, I was a Cheerleader and I played a little bit of tennis.. but neither of these "sports" included running very much, so I dreaded the thought of actually running until my senior year of college. 

All of a sudden my mindset changed, I decided to start slow on the treadmill and soon, when the rainy Oregon weather subsided, I would lace up my sneakers and go for a run outside. The mixture of sunshine and sweat and pushing past that awful tightness in my lungs has helped me in more ways than one. 

You see.. I figured out that running isn't just an exercise. It's a form a therapy. Seriously. 

I challenge you - the next time you're having an awful day and nothing seems to be going right. Put on some comfy running clothes and buy yourself a great pair of sturdy running shoes that won't mess up your feet (I prefer asics) and just go. 

Run. Run as fast as you can or as slow as you want and don't stop. Even when your lungs feel funny, and your brain says "Whoa whoa you need to stop you can't keep running" Just keep running. 
When you're done, you'll sit down for a second and all of a sudden you'll feel this amazing rush of happiness and calmness wash over you. All of your troubles will be gone.

It's a reset button and it works pretty darn well if you ask me.

Also, it's even better when it's sunny and nice and you get to look at cool bridges while you run and blast The Real Slim Shady. You'll feel like a complete badass, and that's pretty cool. 

If you're lucky enough to live in the city, you'll even have bums that yell at you and cheer you on. Not even joking about that one. 

And hey.. I might not be the fastest runner or the most technical runner but I don't really care. I just strap on my shoes and go (Okay.. I lace them up.. but you get the idea). With a great playlist, great shoes, and a will to keep running -- you can accomplish anything.

Ready, Set, Run your heart out :) 


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Fall Is Here < 3

Fall smells are my favorite smells.. yum!

Did you know that it's officially fall? Did you know that it's officially October? What! Where the heck to September go? Where the heck did my summer go? 

I'll go mourn the shorter days and my fading tan by sipping a PSL in my yoga pants. Don't judge.

As much as I'm sad about the sunshine leaving.. I'm SO beyond excited to wear boots again, and scarves, and watch Hocus Pocus on repeat. Amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck, amuck... uhhhh!

Come, little children.. 
Ok I'm done.

And with that.. I give you my fall baking skills. For the record, that is not how I meant for them to turn out. I literally spent a good hour sculpting those mother truckin' candy corn cookies to look exactly like the ones on the box. What I didn't account for was the fact that they blew up to 5x their size and looked like lava like turds.  Not cool, Betty Crocker,  Not cool. 

At least they still tasted bomb!

This is me driving around on Sunday.. or was it Saturday? Good lord.. all my days are blending into one. Anywhoo.. sometimes I try to be daring and not use my GPS. OR sometimes said GPS decides to crap-out on me and I'm forced to drive around aimlessly until I recognize certain streets. Need I remind you I suck at directions? 

Insert happy painting here ^^^ Sometimes I get these wild hairs and I decide to paint. I LOVE painting and it's so relaxing. I need to do it more often!

Insert shameless selfie... I loved my little outfit today. Sometimes I put together a killer outfit and some days it just annoys the heck out of me all day long. Today was comfy and cute. I was pleased.

My lights!! They came!! The guy in the office at my apartment building immediately goes to the back to grab my packages (whoa.. that came out much worse than I intended!) Hey.. Get your mind out of the gutter.  Yah.. YOU!

Okay... What I meant was.. The guy that sits at the front desk at my apartment - he always knows that I order lots of things on the internets (No I don't really call it that.. that was a joke). Sheesh.

... He goes and gets my packages for me without me even asking. I know I know. I have a problem. 

But my lights! Look how pretty! For my YouTube channel.  I can't wait to use them!

Okay that's all for Wednesday. I hope your week is just fabulous. Cheers to hump day and almost fri-day.


What the *BLEEP* is wrong with you...

So last night I went on a date... another blind date.. Why I keep putting myself through the awkwardness and nerves I'll never know. No pain no gain I guess.

Let me just start by saying this guy looked pretty normal.. if not slightly attractive. He had nice facial features, he wasn't morbidly obese, or older than my dad and he didn't smell bad. That's a good start right!? Wrong.

The more he talked.. the more I decided he had crazy eyes. Not the kind of crazy, staring into your soul kind of eyes - but the kind that makes your mind say "Run away he's cray!" I even found myself rocking back and forth just trying to pass the time and he kept asking me if I was cold. Nope not cold... just ready to run away.

He talked about his cat.. or cats.. multiple. singular. I don't know. RUN AWAY.

He was more aloof and in his own little bubble than the homeless men on the street.. which kept asking us if we could bum them a cigarette or help them open up a magical door... I kid you not.

Keep Portland weird.

I kept fiddling with my purse and trying to check the time... it has to have been more than an hour right? 10 minutes? GOD DAMMIT. Shut up so I can go home, put on my pajamas and watch food network while I scroll through Pinterest. Shut up. shut up. shut UP! #singlelife

Now let me just preface this by saying this is how the night started. Mystery date texted me and asked "Dive bar or Classy bar". I thought he was joking so I let him feel masculine and I said "You pick, surprise me!" Wrong. All Wrong.

Ladies, for the love of all that is right in this world. Pick the one you want. Don't let them pick.

When I arrived at the bar he had chosen... yep.. You guessed it. It was a shit-hole.

I mean, I guess if you let them pick it is very telling of how they treat their mothers and how they will treat you right? Reverse psychology? Yah.. Let them pick and then run away promptly if it's worse than a fraternity house on a Sunday morning. Just run the hell away.

I sat down and eagerly stuck my hand in what appeared to have the consistency of a loogie. Man.. from that moment I should have faked a stomachache.

This guy stared off into space and talked about nonsense for an hour. Never once did he ask me anything interesting and the amount of awkward silence was palpable.

I would ask him something like "How do you like your job" and he would answer "It's good.. I don't have mean bosses. I eat lots of hospital food." LONG SILENCE.

Me: Ohh that kind of sucks.. do you miss real food?
Him: No not really. Don't have to grocery shop.
Me: What did you do today?
Him: I went go-carting with Jeff.
Me: Who's Jeff?
Him: My good buddy.... *staring off into outer space*
Me: *Chugging my PBR so I can get the hell out*
Him: How was your day?
Me: *Thank god he finally asked me something* It was good! So glad it's Friday! Ready for the weekend.

Him: I had today off.. and all week pretty much.
Me: Oh that's cool! Doing anything fun with your other days off?
Him: Hanging out with Jeff.


At this point I decided he might be into his friend Jeff and I just better cut my losses. Yep.. that must be it. The only two things he's brought up are Jeff and his cats. RUN.

At this point I just faked being really tired.. yawning.. oh man I'm really tired I better get going. Childish, maybe but I was sick of staring at every passerby with a look of "Help me I'm dying" plastered all over my face.

He seemed indifferent and only slightly bummed.. asking me if I would catch a second wind..?

No sir. Not a second or a third or a forth wind. Never have I been so stoked to Food Network it up and scroll through Pinterest.

Next time just run far far away... Text SOS to a friend and have them save you. Cut your losses now before it's too late. If the conversation is worse than pulling teeth, and they are more aloof than a drugged up homeless person just cut your losses early.

That's my word of dating advice for you this weekend. Date on and be happy being single. You could be stuck with crazy eyes.


Ice Cream & Sunshine

This is my week recap so far... Since I don't have "real" weekends, today would be considered my Sunday, and tomorrow would technically be my Monday.. Are you thoroughly confused yet? Good me too. 
So here's my happy little face in the sunshine... (#selfie?) It's okay. It's nice out so selfies are okay right? .. The sun doesn't shine much in rainy PDX BUT my "weekend" has been amazingly sunny and I got to go out on my balcony and sunbathe with my dog who is currently trying to sit on my computer while I type.. Stop it! 

Wait.. I bet you wish you could lay that comfortably in the sun all day long. I know I wish I could! Churro my little chihuahua is so hilarious. He LOVES the light breeze and the sunlight beaming onto his back so he lays out on my balcony for hours when the rain decides to let up. 

This is him being a good little co-pilot while I ran my errands to Dutch Bros for coffee and then to Trader Joe's to get some fresh fruit and veggies for the week. 

Look at that little derpy face he's making. Such a happy co-pilot he is! Until he decides to climb on all facets of me while I'm trying to navigate a tight turn. He's great at timing. Let me tell you. Once I start to turn, he jumps into my lap and puts his paws with all his weight onto my arm so I have to support him and turn my steering wheel at the same time... If you need help with coordination while driving feel free to borrow my dog. He'll challenge your driving skills for sure.

This is him navigating our walk later.. such a good lil guy. Barking at everyone he sees *facepalm*. He embarrasses me by thinking he's the biggest dog in the world. 

THIS is the sunset from my run the other night. It was so breathtakingly gorgeous I had to stop and take a few pictures. Embrace the little things like sunsets in life. Just being outdoors really helps me stay balanced!

This is the proverbial "I'm almost done with my run" shot I took. Also, these are literally THE best running pants!..? is that a word.. workout pants?.. hmm.. anyways these are the best I've ever had! They are from the NIKE employee store and I love them! That's probably not helpful at all for those of you that really want to know what kind of NIKE workout pants they are.. If you ask I'll go look at the tags but at the moment I'm in the blogging zone soooo.. that'll have to wait :) 

But wait... after my run/walk I really wanted to make red velvet cupcakes.. but a healthier version so I used this recipe and made these DELICIOUS cupcakes. Seriously good stuff! I ended up using store bought cream cheese frosting, even though the cupcakes are Vegan.. Sue me. They're delicious. You won't regret making them. Well you will.. Once you eat 3 in one sitting. Then you'll give them all to your co-workers to scarf down while you watch, sadly. But then you can make some more. I promise. 

and then.. I felt guilty for making cupcakes so I chopped up a bunch of veggies, added some salt, pepper, olive oil and italian seasoning and popped them in the oven at 450 for 20 minutes. SO YUMMY. Now these you don't have to feel guilty about. Well maybe you do if you're me and you made "extra" veggies for the week and then you ate them all for dinner. Wait.. is there a pattern here? No never.. I don't have any problem eating my veggies.. or two servings of veggies. #yolo. Is that an appropriate use of that acronym?.. jk. but really. You only live once so eat your vegetables! :)

The next day I decided to run some hills.. Gotta make up for your cupcake addiction somehow.. ammiiright?. Mine included some Switchfoot (their new album is bomb) and of course some more shoe selfies.. because what says motivation/progress like stopping to take pictures of your feet and having everyone driving by stare at you like you're crazy. It's okay. I'm used to it. 

Speaking of running and being healthy and scarfing down cupcakes for dinner... Yesterday was free scoop day at Ben & Jerry's. There was a live band playing and everything.. and by band I mean these 50 year old men dressed in tie dye shirts got this sweet gig playing music to a line of hungry people who wanted free ice cream.. 

Woo! Ice Cream.. As you can see I eat fast. To be fair, it was melting! I got chocolate chip cookie dough. #yum.. Okay I promise I'll stop using hashtags. It's really obnoxious I know.

But look how delicious it looks. Round two anyone?

Then.. we decided to go to Buffalo Exchange *Swoon* I love that place. Sadly, this was all I found. I know you're probably thinking to yourself WTF is that.. Well, it's a badminton necklace and I thought it was cool.. Also, I partially bought it for my mom because she had these vintage birdies laying around our house.. or as my mom refers to them "Shuttlecocks".. My friend and I had a good laugh because of that word. I know I know it's potty humor.. Whatevs. still funny. I dare you to say shuttlecock without smirking. Not possible. 

Anyways! when I was visiting home last time, by dog decided to chew up my mom's vintage shuttlecocks.. Oops. To my defense they were made of real bird feathers (thus the name birdie for us modern folk). So.. Whoops. He ate it and I felt really bad. I found all the pieces of her antique lying under the dining room table and I run up to my mom and say, "I'm really sorry Churro ate this!" .. then my dad comes into the room and says, "What the heck was that?" and then I say, "Mom's antique birdie!".. My dad looks confused like he's never seen it in his life.. 

Bless his heart, he doesn't really notice things very often. Like when my mom paints or re-arranges the furniture. Most of the time he won't notice for months on end, and then one day, out of the blue he'll exclaim "When did we get this?!" or "Where did that thing go?" or "Has this always been this color?". Yup. That's my dad for yah. He's the type of person, that you say, "Hey, do you notice anything different about me?" (when you've just cut your hair differently) and he'll say something pithy like, "Yah, your face looks weird" or "Nope, you're still here". Okay thanks Dad. NEVERMIND. 

And that's my story for the day. A little recap of my life in pictures and words. 


OHHH Happy Friday

Raise your hand if you're happy it's Friday! (Raising all my hands and toes)... Even though I don't really get "real" weekends {I'm a manager in the retail world} **sigh**

It's okay though. I love fashion so it's worth it. Anywhooo this week has felt like the most colossal week EVER. I learned that I am being transferred to help manage another store that is at least a 40 minute commute away from where I currently live.. My current commute to work is give or take 5 mins... **another sigh** SO what does this mean? 

This means I shall be moving AGAIN for the 3rd time that I've lived in this beautiful city.. **enter yet another sigh** Moving is just all mess and no order. I hate having my life packed away into boxes. It's just sad and makes me want to throw everything in le dumpster out back. No joke. All my beloved Ikea furniture and cute Target throw rugs... all of it. 

I also hate moving because well.. it just plain sucks. You have to find a new place, pay all that money and then get reacquainted with new groceries stores, and gas stations, and Targets. Good 'ol Target. It's my trusty friend when I need a little retail therapy from working in the retail world. Ironic? Maybe a little bit. But that little red bullseye just makes me so darn happy.

SO moving will be soonish.. Still haven't worked all those details out, but the rest of my week was a whirlwind too. I tried to find ways to relax and keep my brain sane in all the changes that are happening. I went on a long walk the other day and it was GORGEOUS out. I also went on a run the other day... Whoa BAD idea. I've been trying to get over this head cold and I literally wheezed for hours after I got back from the worst 2 miles I've ever run. Whoops. My B. 

My bun decided to be a lil lopsided bun and wouldn't sit straight for the life of me. So I rocked it instead. 

I listened to some Mumford and Sons on my trusty lil record player while my dog barked at it for about an hour. He thought someone was in my room singing and it freaked him out. 

Anyways.. I work again tomorrow and Sunday, but Fridays always feel a little special for me. It's like the period at the end of a sentence. It's my reset day. I get to take a deep breath (and a few sighs) and reflect on my week. It's kinda nice.

This also leads me to my future thinking and goals. I don't think I'll be going back to school like I said in earlier posts.. I'm going to keep on trucking and make the best with what I've got. I'd rather build my real life skills and become great at something. Even if it takes a little longer and even though it might mean sacrificing a few weekends. 

I'm just going to pause for the little moments and the little joys in life a little more often. I think we all should. <3

So take a deep breath. It's all going to be okay..


Sunday Funday

Ello there!

On Saturday, I finally got off work at a decent time and I was free to enjoy the sunshine that decided to come out and play.. It literally monsooned all day until I got off work. Lucky break I guess!

Anywho! I went out for a little bit to grab a few drinks with friends in NE Portland, and then I decided to head home early because I felt like I was coming down with something.

Sunday morning I woke up and I was completely sick :( Head plugged up, nose plugged up, feelin icky.. I rallied though because I was going to a Blazer game! Woo! My first one since moving to Portland last year! I took enough Dayquil and Sudafed to cure a cow (not really.. but almost) I needed to feel better..

Here's the Moda Center (Still think it should be called Rose Garden) If you're from PDX you would understand... anywaysss... Here it is in all it's glory! Bright lights and 7 feet tall men dribbling that ball down the court. Go Team! (Obviously I watch sports often.. I try).

And in the middle of the game I had to use the bathroom soooo bad I couldn't wait any longer.. I got out of my seat and did the little dance where all the people next to you have to stand up so you can walk by.. PS: Whoever invented that seat design was silly. I still don't understand why everyone must stand so you can walk by. I feel so ridiculous making people stand up, so what do I do? I hold it until my bladder feels like it's gonna explode. TMI? Whoops sorry bout it. 

Anyways, I made sure to take my ticket with me to memorize where I was sitting. I am HORRIBLE with directions. I get turned around easily, don't know left from right, and can't tell you which way is North or South. Don't ever ask my for directions.. I will literally point you the wrong way on accident.

So I get up, try to memorize every food-stand I walk by, finally find the bathroom, full of drunk girls staring at me, do my business, and then venture out to find my seat...

I walk into the Section my ticket says, it doesn't look familiar, so I walk back to another section that does, ask the lady where my seat is and she points me back over to the entrance that's mine and I walk back in..

Still lost, I ask the man at the front where my seat is, he points to it, and my friend looks back and laughs a little. Oops.. Why am I so embarrassing? aghh I thought I would recognize the people that were sitting next to me but I guess I didn't memorize the back of their heads well enough.

Woe is me. This is my ridiculous life. Stupid directionally challenged life. Why am I so embarrassing and awkward. 

The end. 
